Doylestown Borough Council is accepting applications from Borough residents to fill vacancies on the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals, Bike & Hike Committee, Economic Development Advisory Board, Environmental Advisory Council, Fanny Chapman Pool Board, and the Historic and Architectural Review Board.

Borough Council is also seeking students who are residents of the Borough, 15-18 years of age, who will be High School Sophomores or Juniors in May 2020, and are interested in serving as a Junior Borough Councilperson (September 2020-May 2021) or as a student member of the Fanny Chapman Pool Board, Historical and Architectural Review Board, Park and Recreation Board, and the Shade Tree Commission (May 2020-April 2021). Student members will be able to gain familiarity with local government operations while providing input on matters before the Borough.

Resumes and a letter of interest should be sent to John Davis, Manager, Doylestown Borough, 57 West Court Street, Doylestown, PA, 18901, or via e-mail to [email protected]. Applications will be accepted until January 17, 2020.