Bike & Hike Trails
Doylestown Borough is a bike friendly community. Bike racks are provided through out town so riders can park their bike while they shop, visit and dine. The Doylestown Community Bike and Hike Network is a network of 25 miles of completed trails, shared roadways and side-paths for use by bicyclists and pedestrians. The Doylestown trails connect to the larger Pennsylvania system of trails, including Bicycle Route “S”, and the 202 Parkway trail, which includes a shoulder bike lane and a separate paved 12-foot wide multi-use trail.
Rules & Guidelines
Motorists and cyclists should understand that bicycles are vehicles and therefore subject to all the same rules of the road as a car, with some special exceptions.
Ride Right: Bicycles should be in the right-most lane on a street with two-way traffic. Riders may occupy the middle of the lane they are riding, but should stay right and move over to allow vehicles to pass when it is safe to do so. Bicyclists may elect to ride on the shoulder of the road if is safe to do so. Bikes should not be ridden on the sidewalk, except in special circumstances. When parking on the street, be sure to watch out for bikes when you open your car door.
Pass safely: Slow down and wait for a safe place to pass a cyclist. The cyclist knows you want to pass and will look for a safe place to move over so you can do so.
Watch for cyclists: Be careful turning- look for cyclists and pedestrians crossing. Cyclists should not pass on the right of cars at intersections. Cyclists should use hand signals and motorists should pay attention to them. In Pennsylvania bicyclists may signal a right or left turn by extending their arm straight out in the direction they will be turning. In addition, a right turn may be signaled with the left arm by extending the arm bent at the elbow with the forearm and hand up. Slowing down and stopping can be signaled by extending the left arm bent at the elbow with the forearm and hand down.
Treat the bicycle as you would any other slower vehicle: Don’t tailgate or squeeze by in a tight spot. Don’t try to pass on a tight corner or a blind crest of a hill. Don’t try to force a cycle onto a dangerous shoulder.
Only honk for emergencies: Honking your horn can startle a cyclist and cause them to stop, swerve, or fall. The only reason to honk at a cyclist is to alert them to some emergency. Motorists should also be aware that cyclists may not be able to hear them because of wind noise.
Protective Gear: Riders should wear a helmet and ride a bike equipped with the proper reflectors and lights as needed. Note that by law, children under 12 must wear a helmet.
Bikes provide a sustainable and healthy alternative to cars and are very well suited for a town like ours. When bikes and cars share the road, everyone benefits.

Doylestown Pump Track
Chapman Park, 10 McKinstry Ave, Doylestown PA 18901.
Available at the Fanny Chapman Pool complex and in the Chapman Park lot off East Street. Looking at the Pool entrance, the Pump Track is to the left, across the creek.
The track is a dirt track with berms and rollers, designed to challenge all experience levels. It is closed when conditions are unsafe, during and following rain. Conditions are posted on the Doylestown Borough Parks & Rec Facebook page and on Instagram: @dtownpumptrack. Generally the track needs 24 hours after rain to be dry enough to ride. Riding on a wet track destroys the surface and creates unnecessary work for the volunteers who maintain it.
The track's existence depends on all riders following these rules:
- Helmets are mandatory for ALL riders, no exceptions.
- Ride under control
- Keep a safe distance from other riders
- Do not ride on a wet track or modify the track in any way
- No pedestrians, eBikes or motor vehicles on the track
- Be excellent to each other and to the track
This is an unsupervised facility. Use at your own risk.
To report a problem with the track call Borough Hall 215-345-4141