September 29, 2020
There is no denying that most of us have grown weary of routines that keep us safe. Nevertheless, we are committed toward providing the safest environment for those who live, work in, and visit Doylestown, at all times but particularly as we work together and through this pandemic. We know we are not there yet and all of us share concerns about a possible resurgence or "second wave". At the same time, we want to help provide an environment where our restaurants, retail establishments and other businesses can operate safely for their employees and the people who patronize those establishments. The survival of those businesses as well as the health and survival of many in our community rest on how we act.
We take our guidance from the scientists at the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. There is no denying the importance of wearing masks. Wearing masks whenever possible has value for you, your family and friends, and everyone you encounter. Wearing masks in conjunction with social distancing is the most important act we all can engage in to prevent the reoccurrence and then beat this virus in advance of an effective vaccine.
That same guidance reminds us just how risky outdoor gatherings of groups can become. The size of the group has become the subject of debate and as we look around the country, different cities and states have embraced very different limits, voluntary or mandatory. No particular size fits every community but regardless, substantial gatherings should be discouraged and if they are to occur, must be accompanied by totally cooperative masking and social distancing. We will only be successful in finally beating this virus with complete cooperation. That's what it means to say we are all in this together.
Ron Strouse