Meets: 1st Monday at 6 pm
This council sub-committee is responsible for:
- Oversight of the activities of the Public Works Department.
- Oversight of the conditions of public facilities, including roads, bridges, culverts, storm drainage, signs, street lights, traffic signals, parking facilities, and other related items.
- Ice and snow control policy and activities.
- The Committee shall conduct the annual road tour and prepare the street resurfacing schedule for the Borough Council's consideration.
- Oversight of the Leaf and Brush Collection Program.
- The street cleaning program.
- Issues related to Borough Hall and the Borough Public Works facility.
The subcommittee handles issues involving PECO, Comcast, Verizon, and Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority facilities and projects.
- Bob Kinney, Chair
- Larry Browne
- Dennis Livrone
- Liz Wyckoff