Meets: Fourth Thursday, 7:30 pm


The Borough has an appointed Historical and Architectural Review Board (HARB) in accordance with the State Act, which enables the designation of Historic Districts in Pennsylvania. The Borough has an official Historic District overlay on the Zoning District map. The HARB reviews all exterior building changes, additions, new construction, demolition, and signs within the designated Historic District. The Board does not regulate the repainting or color of buildings as long as no other construction is planned.


  • Denise Blasdale
  • Richard Brown
  • Richard Chase
  • Ralph Fey, AIA
  • Brian Guerriero
  • Andy Happ
  • Kim Jacobsen
  • Marie Kovach
  • Constance Magnuson


HARB History:

The Historic District Act authorized the establishment of local Historic Districts and Historic Architectural Review Boards in 1961. The Historic District within the Borough and the Borough Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB) were established in 1970, reflecting the commitment of the citizens of the Borough of Doylestown to preserving and protecting the community's cultural heritage.

The Borough Of Doylestown Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB) consists of nine (9) members appointed by the Borough Council to serve three‐year overlapping terms. HARB provides counsel and recommendations to property owners and business owners seeking Certificates of Appropriateness, as well as making recommendations to Borough Council on the advisability of issuing Certificates of Appropriateness for all exterior building changes, additions, new construction, demolition, and signs within the designated Historic District.

In considering whether or not to issue a Certificate of Appropriateness, HARB, and Council consider the general design, arrangement, texture, material, and color of the building or structures and the relation of such factors to similar features of buildings and structures in the Historic District. The issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness demonstrates that the property owner, HARB, and Council have agreed that a proposed change to the exterior of a building will be consistent with and preserve the general historic and architectural features of the Historic District.

The jurisdiction of HARB and Council is limited to exterior architectural features of buildings and structures (including signs, retaining walls, etc.) that can be seen from a public street or way. Modifications to the interior of a structure are exempt from HARB requirements, although construction permits may be required before such work can proceed. HARB does not regulate painting.