Important Information
We do not add fluoride to the water.
Put your water account number in the memo of your check so it is posted to correct account.
Note: Water account numbers are property specific – if you move to another Borough property the number will change. Putting the old number on the check will cause it to be applied to your former property even if it is not yours anymore.
Everyone pays a flat fee per unit, based on your meter size, that covers up to 3000 gallons of water each quarterly billing period. If you use more than 3000 gallons per unit, you are billed for each 1000 gallons over that first 3000.
Meter Size / Base Rate:
- <1.5" / 33.68
- 1.5" / 35.41
- 2" / 38.82
- 3" / 40.53
- 4" / 42.25
Usage Charges:
- 0-3,000 gallons/quarter: Base charge
- 3,000-20,000 gallons/quarter: $5.03/1,000 gallons
- 20,000 & up/quarter: $6.28/1,000 gallons
If you are interested in how you compare:
The sewer system is owned and operated by Bucks County Water and Sewer (BCWSA) They bill residents directly for the sewer cost. Your sewer charge is based directly on your water usage. Bucks County Water and Sewer is the owner and administrator for the sewers.
The average American uses over 100 gallons of water in a day. The average family of four uses about 400 – 500 gallons a day. So in a 91 day billing cycle an average family of four might use 36,400 gallons of water. You can audit your water usage to see where you could use less.
Our new Neptune meters are read remotely by computers. Our older meters are read by a meter reader who goes around to each home and looks at the register readout on the outside of the property. If we cannot read your outdoor register we will leave a post card in your door asking you to read the inside meter immediately and write down the reading.

Your water meter is near where the water enters your home. When reading it you need only look at the long string of digits – you can ignore the clock type numbers.
Please help us by keeping your outside register clear of bushes and other obstructions.
Water Department- Construction Standard Specifications -click here
Rental Properties
If a landlord want to have the water bill paid by the tenant they must fill out a water agreement. If the landlord and tenant are both able to come to the Borough to sign it in our presence, then no notarization is needed, however, if you are mailing in the form, both the landlord and tenant's signatures must be notarized. The form can be downloaded here.
Moving/Final Readings
If you are moving you will need a final reading. Please call us to schedule that reading so you can get a final bill. Please give us two weeks notice before the date you need the final bill especially if you are going to closing.
Special purpose water system
If you do a lot of gardening, regularly fill a pool, or use other water outside your home that does not go to the sewer you may be interested in purchasing and installing a special purpose water meter. This allows for a water only charge for water that does not enter the sewer.
The permit form is available here or in our office.