Note: This page deals with accessibility issues that must be addressed when a permit is applied for. For information about addressing concerns with existing businesses or occupancies, consult the ADA Homepage.

When is a business doing work on a building required to consider accessibility?

Any new commercial construction, any commercial construction addition, any commercial alteration of an existing commercial structure, and any change of occupancy class in commercial occupancies will trigger the need to meet the accessibility code requirements and require an accessibility plan review and approval.

This means that if you are moving in to a space that was previously occupied by a business in a different use category under the building code, you will need to make the space 100% accessible.

The technical code requirements pertaining to building accessibility that are currently enforced in Pennsylvania are found primarily in: Chapter 11 and Appendix E of the International Building Code 2015, and in the ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities Standard.

Accessibility variances can only be granted by the Department Of Labor and Industry.

If you have questions about accessibility and building projects please call us.