The Parking Department Office is in open from 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday through Friday. They can be reached by dialing 215-345-1305 or in person at Borough Hall, 10 Doyle St. Doylestown, PA 18901.
Ticket payment can be made:
- In person at the Parking Department at 10 Doyle Street.
- By mail with a check payable to Doylestown Borough, 10 Doyle Street, Doylestown Pa 18901
- Over the phone with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover at (267) 245-6893.
- Online via the link below
We’ve become aware of a bill payment system,, which uses misleading advertising leading some customers to believe it is affiliated with Doylestown Borough. IT IS NOT. Doxo is a third-party website that charges customers extra fees for their services. Additionally, we cannot control when we will receive the payments from Doxo, which may result in late payments.