Trash Hauling

The borough does not provide trash and recycling services. You may contract with a private hauler. A list of the haulers we know operate in the borough is available here.

The borough's Environmental Advisory Council periodically contacts the haulers who operate in the area to better understand what environmental practices are being implemented. A summary of the results is available here.

Household Hazardous Waste

Household products containing toxic chemicals, like pesticides, oil-based paints, solvents, cleaning products, weed killers, and automotive batteries can be a threat to people and the environment if improperly discarded. Never throw these materials into the trash, as the toxic chemicals may harm sanitation workers, or result in fires in collection vehicles. It is also not safe to pour them into a sink or storm drain as they can end up polluting the air, water, or soil. For more information on the disposal of household hazardous material, please refer to the information below provided by the County of Bucks.

Routine Street Sweeping

The Borough's street sweeping program begins in the spring and runs through September. No parking signs notifying you of parking restrictions on the scheduled days are installed on the routes. Please cooperate with the rules and restrictions by removing parked cars and any other obstructions so that you and your neighbors can benefit from this program.

Spring Branch Pick-up

Announcements will be made when spring branch pickup commences. The Public Works Department provides the service of branches pickup from residential properties. Please follow these guidelines:

You must contact the Borough Office (prior to the collection day) to schedule a collection at your property.

Tree branches should be 6" or less in diameter and cut to workable lengths of six to eight feet, capable of processing through our brush chipper.

Please keep in mind that this program is only for disposal of tree branches. Small sticks, root balls and hedge clippings should be collected by arrangement with residents' private trash service.

Leaf Collection

Doylestown Borough provides leaf collection each fall. More information about the Borough's leaf collection program can be found here.

Christmas Tree Recycling

Announcements will be made each year when residents may drop off their Christmas trees (free of all ornaments, garland tinsel and nails) at the Borough Public Works yard for shredding and recycling.